READ Quarterly E-newsletter - February 2024

READ Quarterly E-newsletter - February 2024
We are pleased to introduce the new quarterly newsletter of the Research and Economic Analysis Division (READ) of the Hawaiʻi Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism, READ Insights.
Our division compiles and interprets a range of economic data essential for informed decision-making across the state. From detailed monthly visitor statistics that shape our understanding of the State’s tourism sector to labor and employment trends that inform workforce development, our reports provide in-depth economic insight. The READ team also produces research dashboards and maintains two interactive data warehouses. These reports, statistics, and studies are invaluable to policymakers, businesses, and community leaders, aiding in strategic planning and policy formulation.
READ Insights highlights various publications, enhancing understanding and fostering informed discussions about Hawaiʻi’s economic future. Below is a sampling of recent and ongoing reports we have issued.
Mahalo for your support and interest in the work of READ. We look forward to sharing our insights and data If you are interested in our data and analyses, you can sign up to be on the list so that we can send you the data and reports when released. Signing up and receiving data is free of charge at the link below: DBEDT Research and Economic Analysis Division (
Warm regards,
Dr. Eugene Tian
Administrator, Research and Economic Analysis Division
Department of Business, Economic Development & Tourism
State of Hawai‘i Data Book
Published annually since 1962, this is the official summary of statistics on the social, economic, and political organization of the State of Hawai‘i.
December 2023 Monthly Economic Indicators (MEI)
The monthly report contains state and individual county data on labor force and unemployment, wage and salary jobs, general fund tax revenue, building permits, single-family and condo resales, and visitor arrivals.
2023 4th Quarter Statistical & Economic Report (QSER)
This comprehensive report examines the state and outlook of the economy statewide and in individual counties, covering the labor market, income and prices, tax revenues, tourism, construction, and other key areas.
Maui Data Update
A dashboard presenting data on Maui’s economic recovery, updated weekly.
Hawai‘i’s Targeted & Emerging Industries, 2023 Update Report – December 2023
A performance review of Hawai‘i’s targeted & emerging industry portfolio.
Native Hawaiians in Hawai‘i’s Tourism Sector: 2023 Update – July 2023
This update describes the demographic characteristics of Native Hawaiians in Hawai‘i’s tourism sector between 2017 and 2021, with comparisons to all employees.
Self-Sufficiency Income Standard: Estimate for 2022 – December 2023
This study establishes Hawai‘i’s self-sufficient family income standards for year 2022 for five family types.
2022 Annual Visitor Research Report – August 2023
This 178-page report provides final statistics on Hawai‘i’s visitor industry in 2022 and a comparison with 2021 visitor data.
December 2023 Monthly Visitor Statistics
These reports spotlight preliminary visitor characteristics, expenditures, and statewide air seat data, focusing on the top four major marketing areas (U.S. West, U.S. East, Japan, and Canada).
2023 3rd Quarter Visitor Satisfaction & Activity Report
These assess visitor satisfaction quarterly and annually across eight key markets (U.S. West, U.S. East, Japan, Canada, Oceania, South Korea, and China), providing insights into their experiences while traveling to Hawaiʻi.
2023 Visitor Plant Inventory Report
This report presents the existing visitor accommodation units and future development by type of properties, by price class, by unit type, and by island.
December 2023 Labor Statistics
Monthly estimates of the Civilian Labor Force, Employment, and Unemployment. The Unemployment Rates for the state, counties, and islands of Hawaiʻi are revised annually.
2022 Occupational Employment and Wages
Annual publication of employment and wages by occupation for the state and counties of Hawai‘i, published each September for the preceding year.
2022 Employment and Payrolls in Hawaiʻi
Annual publication of employment and wages by industry for the state and counties of Hawai‘i, published each October for the preceding year.
Hawai‘i’s Electricity Industry: 2021-2022 Analysis and Recent Trends – May 2023
A study of where and how Hawai‘i’s electricity is generated and used.
State of Hawai‘i Energy Data and Trends – December 2023
The state of the state’s energy generation, use, and expenditure trends.
Hawaiʻi State Data Center & Census Bureau Data
The Hawaiʻi State Data Center produces data highlights and posts Hawaiʻi-specific data each year for the American Community Survey and Population 1-year and 5-year Estimates. The Population Estimates Program releases four sets of estimates at the state level or lower each year.
2020 Decennial Census
The Census Bureau continued to release data from the 2020 decennial census in 2023, including data from the Demographic and Housing Characteristics (DHC) files. The highlights included data for sex by age, race by age, household structure, and other Hawaiʻi-specific data.
READ also maintains various dashboards updated daily, weekly, monthly, or annually, depending on data availability. Visit the dashboard page on our website for a complete list of subjects.
READ’s two interactive data platforms allow users to customize and download required datasets.
Economic Data Warehouse – Covers a wide range of economic indicators and can be filtered by frequency, date range, and area.
Tourism Data Warehouse – Includes visitor trends and characteristics, air seats to the islands, spending patterns, and hotel performance.
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