Veterans Business Outreach Centers - October News and Events

Veterans Business Outreach Centers - October News and Events
What's Going On?
Here are some UPDATES
8(a) Program
On Friday, September 29, U.S. Small Business Administrator Isabella Casillas Guzman released the following statement on the reopening of the application for the 8(a) Business Development Program (8(a) Program).
“Though the administration of the 8(a) Program has been impacted by a recent court injunction and order, the program is open for business. In the weeks since the injunction, the SBA has reviewed or recertified thousands of current 8(a) participants through a process consistent with the court’s order. And now the SBA has reopened the 8(a) application to new participants – ensuring a vast, talented pool of vendors are available to federal agencies. - SBA, Washington
Self-Certified Veterans
Renewal of your certification via VETCERT is required by January 01, 2024.
If you are a self-certified veteran (via SAM) your certification needs to be renewed before 01/01/24. If you need assistance please contact VBOC of the Pacific at
Registration is NOW Open
Boots to Business (B2B) is a 2-day entrepreneurial education and training program offered by the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) as part of the Department of Defense Transition Assistance Program (TAP). The course provides an overview of entrepreneurship and applicable business ownership fundamentals. Active Duty Service members (including National Guard and Reserve), Veterans of all eras, and spouses are eligible to participate.
For in-person classes please check with the installation Transition Assistance Program Offices for space availability. Contact information can be found here.
In-Person BOOTS TO BUSINESS Schedule
October 12 - 13 Schofield Barracks (In-person)
October 19 - 20 Joint base Pearl Harbor Hickam (In-person)
October 24 - 25 Schofield Barracks (In-person)
October 26 - 27 Marine Corps Base Hawaii (In-person)
For More Information & Registration
Military Spouse Pathway to Business Class
Military spouses make great entrepreneurs, and small business ownership can be a transportable vocation that supports frequent relocation-part of the landscape for many military families. The Pathway to Business course introduces military spouses to the key elements of entrepreneurship at no cost.
Sign up for an in-person or virtual class or reach out to your local Veterans Business Outreach Center or SBA District Office to see if the Military Spouse Pathway to Business course is right for you.
For More Information & Registration
October 2023 Events with Our Resource Partners
10/10 YWahine in Business Incubator
10/11 Starting a Business in Hawaii
10/16 KIVA Crowdfunding with Pacific Gateway Center
10/16 Marketing Bootcamp: Unlock Your Full Sales Potential
10/18 How to Write a Business Plan
10/23 Ascent Roundtable: Disaster & Economic Recovery
10/24 Year End Tax Planning for Your Business for 2023 Business